
Monday, 28 December 2015


The present administration in Jigawa State under the leadership of His Excellency Alhaji Mohammad Badaru Talamiz (MON, mni) respects the rule of law and Code of Conduct for Public Office Holders as enshrined in the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and it is one of the cardinal objective of the present government to maintain an open and transparent government.

For the exigencies of office and public service, His Excellency the Executive Governor Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (MON, mni) is proceeding on a 10 days leave starting from tomorrow Tuesday, the 29th December, 2015 as part of his 2015 Thirty (30) days annual leave.

His Excellency wishes all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2016.


Gwamnatin Jihar Jigawa mai ci a yanzu karkashin jagorancin Maigirma Gwamna Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (MON, mni) gwamnati ce mai biyayya ga dokar kasa da tsarin shugabancin al'uma kamar yadda yake tanade a kundin tsarin mulki na Kasa na Shekarar 1999. Kuma yana daga cikin tsarin wannan gwamnati na aiwatar da budaddiyar gwamnati wanda al'umar Jihar Jigawa ke da hakkin sanin yadda ake tafiyar da gwamnatin.

Kasancewar rai dangin goro ne, saboda nauyin al'uma da yake kansa, da bukatar samun nutsuwa, Maigirma Gwamna ya shirya tafiyar kwanaki goma (10) daga cikin Kwanakin hutunsa na Kwanaki Talatin (30) na Shekarar 2015. Hutun zai fara ne daga gobe Talata 29/12/2015.

Maigirma Gwamna yana taya daukacin jama'a murnar Sabuwar Shekarar 2016. Da fatan za a yi bukukuwan Sabuwar Shekarar lafiya.

Auwal D. Sankara,
Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa State on New Media
(Mataimaki na Musamman ga Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa a Sabbin Kafafen Sadarwa)

Solvetor Solvetor
Vice Chairman
Tsinkaya Social Network

Wednesday, 16 December 2015


Today being the 4th Rabi'ul Auwal 1437AH equivalent to 15th December, 2015, the Jigawa State Executive Council met and resolved as follows: -
The State Executive Council has noted with dismay the colossal sum of public funds expended through the Gunduma Health System over the last eight years amounting to over N40Billion. It is also critically observed that the present arrangement of health service delivery to our teeming population who predominantly leave in the rural areas could best be reached through a well functioning Primary Healthcare Service Delivery System.

The Gunduma Health System has unfortunately not efficiently measured to this expectation. The State Executive Council therefore at this point considered and approved the repelling of the law that established the Gunduma Health System and be replaced with a new law for the establishment of the Primary Healthcare Board or agency as the case may be. It must be categorically stated at this juncture that the Gunduma Health System is not in line with the National Health Act, National Health Policy and Guidelines. The establishment of the Primary Healthcare Board will be in tandem with the 53rd National Council on Health Resolution which directed States to establish the said Board so as to reach about 90% of our rural population.

The Ministry of Health is directed to collaborate  with the Ministry of Justice to come up with a draft law establishing the Primary Healthcare Board or agency that will be in tune with the principle of Primary Healthcare under one roof.
Majalisar Zartaswa na Jihar Jigawa bayan ta gama zamanta na yau Talata 04/Rabi'ul Auwal/1437AH wanda yayi daidai da 15/12/2015 ta amince da abubuwa kamar haka:
Majalisar Zartaswa ta lura cikin rashin jin dadi makudan Kudaden da aka yi amfani da su masu yawan gaske wajen harkar lafiya musamman a bangaren Hukumar Lafiya ta Gunduma Health System wanda a cikin shekaru takwas daga kafata (2007-2011), wanda Kudaden sun kai fiye da Naira Miliyan Dubu Arba'in, kuma ta lura da cewa wannan tsari da aka bi na aiwatar da Gunduma Health kwalliya bata biya kudin sabulu ba, idan aka yi la'akari da yadda Asibitocin mu suke, da kuma yadda ake ta samun majinyata babu magani da abubuwa da dama a Harkokin kiwon lafiya wanda Majalisar Zartaswa ta amince da cewar Gunduma Health System bai dace da wannan tsari ba kuma ya kamata a samu gyara a wannan tsari. Saboda haka ne Majalisar Zartaswa ta amince da soke dokar da ta kafa Gunduma Health System inda za a maye gurbinta da Hukumar Lafiya a Matakin Farko (Primary Healthcare Development Board ko Agency), inda Majalisar ta umurci Ma'aikatar Lafiya da hadin gwiwar Ma'aikatar Shari'a su zauna su tsara yadda ya kamata ayi wajen fitar da wannan Sabuwar doka ta kafa Hukumar Samar da Lafiya a Matakin Farko.

Auwal D. Sankara, Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa State On New Media (Mataimaki na Musamman ga Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa A Sabbin Kafafen Sadarwa) 15/12/2015

Monday, 16 November 2015


Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (MON, mni) yace rashin Nasiru Habu Babura babban rashi ne ba wai ga Iyalansa kadai, rashi ne ga daukacin al'umar Jihar Jigawa,musamman yan jam'iyyar APC.
Gwamnan ya bayyana haka ne a yayin da ya ziyarci gidan iyalan Marigayin a garin Babura domin yi musu ta'aziyar wannan rashin.
Marigayin wanda Allah ya masa rasuwa ranar Juma'a da ta gabata shine Shugaban Kungiyar APC Social Media na Jihar Jigawa.

Labarin rasuwar ya riski Maigirma Gwamna ne a yayinda yake wajen taron bita a Kaduna inda tun a can ya bayyana alhininsa da wannan babban rashi ga Iyalan mamacin, al'umar Karamar Hukumar Babura da Jihar Jigawa.

Gwamnan yace halayen mamacin kyawawa ne abun koyi kuma ya bayar da gudunmawa mai yawa musamman a lokacin zabensa na
Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa musamman a shafukan sada Zumunta. Kamar yadda Gwamnan yace "Rayuwar Nasiru Habu ya taba mutane da yawa, kuma yana da masoya da yawa, shi yasa rasuwar sa ya taba
mutane da dama a garin Babura da Jihar Jigawa musamman a shafukan sada Zumunta".Gwamnan yayi addu'ar Allah ya jikan mamacin,
ya kuma yi masa sakayya da gidan Aljanna. Gwamnan yayi amfani da damar domin yin wasu ta'aziyar a garin na Babura inda ya fara da
gidan tsohon Mataimakin Kakakin Majalisar Dokoki na Jihar Jigawa Alhaji Adamu Dan Gile Babura wanda ya rasa mahaifiyar sa.
Sannan ya kai wasu ta'aziya a gidan Malam Abdullahi Gumal Babura da gidan Malam Danazimi Odar Babura da kuma gidan Hajiya Ma'u Yakubu Babura.

Auwal D. Sankara, Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa State On New Media.

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, 10 November 2015




Domin cimma nasarar tsare-tsaren gwamnatinsa da cika alkawuran da gwamnan yayi a lokacin Yakin neman zabe, Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa ya fara zaman tattaunawa da jami'an gwamnati (kwamishinoni) da Ma'aikatan

gwamnatin akan kasafin kudi na kowacce Ma'aikata wanda shine zai zama kasafin kudi na shekara 2016, kuma na farko a wannan gwamnatin ta Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa

Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (MON,mni) .

Taron tattaunawar ya hada da kwamishinoni da Manyan Sakatarori na ma'aikatun Jihar Jigawa. Taron tattaunawar an fara shi a jiya Litinin tare da Ma'aikatar Yada Labarai,matasa, Wasanni da Al'adu.

Auwal D. Sankara, Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa State On New Media (Mataimaki na Musamman ga Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa A Sabbin Kafafen Sadarwa) 10/11/2015.


posted from Bloggeroid


To achieve or implement the policies and programmes of his administration to reflect the promises and pledges made during the campaign the Executive Governor of Jigawa State has started having asectoral budgetdiscussions which will be deliberated by the various Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) along with the Executive Governor ahead of the 2016 Budget which will be the first that will be presented by His Excellency Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (MON, mni) as an
Executive Governor of Jigawa State.

The Discussion Parley includes the Honourable Commissioners and Permanent Secretaries of their respective Ministries.

The Sectoral Budget Discussions started yesterday with the Jigawa State Ministry of Information,Youths Sports and Culture.

Domin cimma nasarar tsare-tsaren gwamnatinsa da cika alkawuran da gwamnan yayi a lokacin Yakin neman zabe, Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa ya fara zaman tattaunawa da jami'an gwamnati (kwamishinoni) da Ma'aikatan
gwamnatin akan kasafin kudi na kowacce Ma'aikata wanda shine zai zama kasafin kudi na shekara 2016, kuma na farko a wannan gwamnatin ta Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa
Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (MON,mni) .

Taron tattaunawar ya hada da kwamishinoni da Manyan Sakatarori na ma'aikatun Jihar Jigawa. Taron tattaunawar an fara shi a jiya Litinin tare da Ma'aikatar Yada Labarai,matasa, Wasanni da Al'adu.
Auwal D. Sankara, Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa State On New Media (Mataimaki na Musamman ga Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa A Sabbin Kafafen Sadarwa) 10/11/2015.

posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, 7 November 2015


Fadar shugaban kasar Najeriya ta ce aiki yayi nisa yanzu wajen shirya gagarumin kasafin kudi na shekarar 2016, wanda ake gani zai kai har kimanin naira triliyan bakwai 7 zuwa takwas 8. Mataimakin shugaban Najeriya Farfesa Yemi Osinbajo ne ya yi tsokacin a wajen taron bitar da aka shiryawa sabin ministocin kasar 36. Kasafin kudin kasar da aka shirya na shekarar 2015, naira triliyan hudu ne da doriya, saboda haka, a kasafin na badi, za'a samu gagarumin karin kudade.

Gwamnatin dai ta shirya aiwatar da gagarumin kasafin ne a daidai lokacin da kasar ke fama da
rashin kudi. Mallam Garba Shehu, kakakin shugaban Kasar Najeriya Muhammadu Buhari, ya ce gwamnatin ta na so ta ware fiye da kashi 40 cikin dari domin gudanar da manyan ayyuka, sabanin a baya yadda aka ware kimanin kashi 70 cikin dari ga ayyuka yau da kullum.

Ya ce gwamnati za ta nemo kudaden ne ta hanyar karbar haraji yadda ya kamata, da kuma wani asusu na hadin gwiwa da bangarori masu
zaman kansu.

Friday, 6 November 2015


The Executive Governor of Jigawa State Alhaji Muhammadu Badaru Abubakar (MON, mni) on Thursday received the members of Malam Madori Youth Concern Development at his office in Jigawa State Government House, Dutse.
The members said they were at the Government House to felicitate with him over his victory at the polls and thank him for the support he rendered to one of their ailing member. The association also request the Executive Governor
to provide some basic amenities to the community.

The Governor commended them for their contributions and said plan is under way to construct township in Malan Madori despite the dwindling revenue in the state and the country.
The Governor noted that as a result of shrinking of the revenue the state maintain its status in paying its salary, and as at now the government had awarded the rehabilitation of water schemes in the state. In a related development, the Executive Governor also received the delegation of APC
Fulde Forum; a political group of Miyetti Allah Organization, for the second time after being sworn in as the Executive Governor of Jigawa
State and to intimate him on the forthcoming Miyetti Allah Organisation Election in Jigawa
State. The visitors said they were at the Governor's Office to reaffirm their absolute loyalty and assured him of their unflinching support to the administration.

Governor Badaru welcomed them and promised to support them to conduct a hitch free election.

Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (MON, mni) a ranar Alhamis ya karbi bakuncin Kungiyar Cigaban Matasa ta Karamar Hukumar Malam Madori a ofishinsa dake gidan Gwamnatin Jihar Jigawa. Bakin sun sanar da Maigirma Gwamnan cewa makasudin kawo ziyarar shine don su taya shi farin ciki nasarar da ya samu, su kuma mika godiyar su gareshi bisa taimakon da yayi wa
daya daga cikin dan kungiyar su wanda ya kwanta rashi lafiya sa'annan su roki gwamnati da ta samar da ababen more rayuwa a karamar hukumar ta Malam Madori.
Gwamnan ya yaba musu akan irin gudunmuwar da suke bayarwa, tare da tabbatar musu da cewa duk da yanayin tattalin arziki amma anyi
tsarin yin ayyukan cigaba a garin Malam Madori.

Gwamnan yace duk da yanayin koma bayan tattalin arzikin kasa kuma ya shafi Jihar Jigawa,gwamnati ta cigaba da biyan albashi kuma a
yanzu gwamnati ta bada damar a gyara ma'aikatar ruwa a jihar.

A daya gefen kuma, Kungiyar Fulde na APC ne suma suka kawo nasu ziyarar a Karo na biyu bayan rantsar da Gwamna a matsayin Gwamnan
Jihar Jigawa domin kara jaddada goyon bayan su da sanar dashi zaben da kungiyar Miyetti Allah
ke shirin yi. Gwamnan yayi maraba da zuwansu inda ya tabbatar musu da shiga cikin al'amuran nasu domin yin zabe cikin kwanciyar hankali.

Auwal D. Sankara,
Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa on New Media
(Mataimaki na Musamman ga Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa A Sabbin Kafafen Sadarwa)

Thursday, 5 November 2015


It was a victorious and a happy day for the entire Jigawa State APC Family as it made big catches for receiving Jigawa State Social Media Crew at the Government House, Dutse.
The Jigawa State Social Media Crew consists of Social Media Crew mainly from the PDP platform. The crew were led by its State Coordinator Aji Kima Hadejia. Aji Kima said they were in the Government House to congratulate the Governor on his recent victory at the polls as well as to reaffirmed their loyalty and support to the present administration.

 He said their decision to dump the PDP Media Advocacy and join this train was informed due to their conviction that Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar is uniquely disposed to esteemed leadership, quest for better Jigawa State and his zeal to take Jigawa State to the next level.The Media Crew therefore called on the Governor to always count on them as they from now henceforth intend to protect the integrity of the Governor and also advocate and enlighten the public particularly Jigawa Social Media Users about the Policies and Programmes of his administration.

Responding, Governor Muhammad Badaru Abubakar expressed his joy for this August Visit by vibrant and proactive crew that consists of intellectual youths that decided to set aside their personal interest for betterment and progress of Jigawa, he therefore welcomed them to the house which he told them to consider themselves as equal as any member of the APC Family. He said their decision to dump their old movement is really appreciated and he assured them that they will not regret their actions.
Governor Badaru therefore charged them to swing into action as the APC Led Government in the State will not let them down.

Notable among those that made the list of the visit are National Chairman of National Volunteers for Lamido (a mother association for Sule Lamido for President) Com. Musa Gambo Guri, Bala T.O, Aminu Saleh, Idris Kilili, Abubakar Surajo, Garzali Dutse, Usman Baita Elleman, Nura Saleh, Yusuf Magaji Birnin Kudu, Hon. Abba Bojojo, Kamal Shu'aibu, Kamal Musa, Abdullahi Keiri, Hajiya Amina Gumel, Hajiya Hauwa Kafin Hausa, Adamu MK Sardauna, Alhaji Sani Majalisa and Alhaji Usaini Rally.

Auwal D. Sankara, Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa State On New Media