
Thursday, 4 February 2016


Jigawa State Government has attributed the delay in the last month salary as a result of the change of Monthly Federation Account Meeting.

The Acting Governor, Barrister Ibrahim Hassan Hadejia stated this while briefing newsmen in his office. 

Barrister Ibrahim Hassan was commenting on rumors being speculated on the delay on payment of last month salary by the State Government.

The Acting Governor who described the economic meltdown as the main challenge facing governments at all levels said presently about Thirteen Local Governments could not pay Workers Salary without State Government bail out.

He said a number of policies and majors have been taken to ensure smooth running of government activities due to the financial crisis in the country.

Speaking on improving the internally generated revenue (IGR), Barrister Ibrahim Hassan explained that government is looking at the possibility of updating
Laws governing revenue collection in the State.

He also called on the people to understand the present situation and support government in its effort to revamp the state ailing economy.
Gwamnatin Jihar Jigawa ta alakanta tsaiko da aka samu na biyan albashin watan da ya gabata saboda canjin da aka samu wajen gudanar da taron Kasafta Kudi daga asusun tarayya.

Mukaddashin Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa Barista Ibrahim Hassan Hadejia, shi ya bayyana haka a sanda yake zantawa da manema labarai a Ofishinsa.

Mukaddashin Gwamnan yayi wannan tsokaci ne saboda irin jita-jita da ake ta adawa saboda rashin biyan albashin da ba a yi akan lokaci a Jihar ba.

Mukaddashin Gwamnan, wanda yace karyewar tattalin arziki shine babban kalubale da Gwamnati a kowane mataki ke fuskanta, yace a halin yanzu kusan Kananan Hukumomi goma sha uku basa iya biyan albashin ba tare da dafawar Gwamnatin Jihar.

Yace Gwamnatin ta fidda wasu tsare-tsare tare da daukan wasu matakai domin samun saukin tafiyar da ayyukan Gwamnatin saboda karancin kudi da Jihar keep fama dashi.

A yayinda yake magana akan baton inganta hanyar samar da kudaden shiga na cikin gida, Mukaddashin Gwamnan yace Gwamnatin Jihar tana nazari domin ganin ta karfafa dokar karbar haraji a Jihar.

Anan ne yayi kira ga jama'a da su fahimci halin da ake ciki, su dafawa Gwamnati a kokarin da take yi na farfado da tattalin arzikin Jihar da ciyar da ita gaba.

Auwal D. Sankara,
Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa State on New Media
(Mataimaki na Musamman ga Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa a Sabbin Kafafen Sadarwa)

Abdullahi Umar Chamo
- Solvetor -
State Vice Chairman
Tsinkaya Social Network

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

EDUCATION NEWS... BY Abdullahi Umar Chamo (Solvator) and Ismaila A sabo

Jigawa state government under Alhaji Mohammad Badaru Talamiz has released about eighteen million naira for the remedial program under the Agency for Mass Education.

The Executive Secretary of the agency, Dr Abbas Abubakar Abbas made this known to Jigawa State New Media (Through Auwal D. Sankara) in his office.
He said the fund was released to the agency for the remedial program of secondary school leavers who failed their 2015 SSCE examination.

He said the program will be held at nine centers across the state.
Dr Abbas Abubakar Abbas said about six thousand students will be enrolled in the program.
He said the program was introduced by Governor Badaru Abubakar for the secondary school students who failed their SSCE in 2015.

According to him, out of over eighteen thousand students who sat for SSCE last year, only about eight hundred passed five credits including mathematics and English.

Abdullahi Umar Chamo
- Solvetor -
State Vice Chairman
Tsinkaya Social Network

I. D. B. Meeting... By Abdullahi Umar Chamo (Solvator)

The Northern Nigerian Governors/Islamic Development Bank (IDB) meeting witnessed the third and last day in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia.

The round-off meeting was chaired by  the Vice President Operations of the Bank Dr. Mansur Mukhtar  in a closed door with the Governors and some top officials managing the Bank subsidiaries, after which a technical committee was set up to look at the Nigerian laws, business advantages of the Region, and design plans towards the agreements reached with the Governors, and prioritize on the sectors that need immediate considerations.

However, the Jigawa State Governor  Alhaji Mohammad Badaru Talamiz (MON, mni) have proceeded to the Holy City of Madina to pay homage to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), from there he will be proceeding to the Holy City of Makkah to perform a Lesser Hajj (UMRAH), and pray to Almighty Allah to grant him the will and wisdom to deliver the stewerdship entrusted on him.

The Governor is expected back home on Saturday.

A yau Taron Gwamnonin Arewacin Najeriya da Jami'an Bankin Cigaba na Musulunci ya cika kwanaki uku wanda kuma shine ranar karshe na zaman, a Birnin Jeddah dake Kasar Saudi Arabia.

Wanda ya jagoranci taron karshen shine Mataimakin Shugaban Bankin Data Mansur Mukhtar a wani zama da yayi na sirri tsakanin Gwamnonin da wasu manyan jami'an Bankin.

Bayan taron an kafa wani kwamiti da zai yi duba na tsanaki akan dokokin Najeriya, da kuma yanayin kasuwancin yankin Arewacin Najeriya, da nufin yin wani tsari domin cimma burukan abinda aka tattauna tsakanin hukumomin Bankin da gwamnonin domin duba bangarorin da suka fi muhimmanci da za a fara maida hankali a kansu.

Bayan Kammala taron ne, Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (MON, mni) ya wuce garin Madinah domin ziyara ga Manzo Annabi Mohammad (SAW), inda bayan ziyarar zai wuce Makkah domin aikin Umrah, da kuma rokon Allah (SWT) ya bashi ikon sauke nauyin dake kansa na al'umar Jihar Jigawa.

Ana sa ran Maigirma Gwamnan zai dawo gida Najeriya a ranar Asabar mai zuwa Insha Allah.

Da fatan Allah ya dawo mana Hadimin Al'umar Jihar Jigawa lafiya, ya karbi ibadah (amin).

Auwal D. Sankara,
Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa State on New Media
(Mataimaki na Musamman ga Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa a Sabbin Kafafen Sadarwa)

Abdullahi Umar Chamo
- Solvetor -
State Vice Chairman
Tsinkaya Social Network