
Monday, 28 December 2015


The present administration in Jigawa State under the leadership of His Excellency Alhaji Mohammad Badaru Talamiz (MON, mni) respects the rule of law and Code of Conduct for Public Office Holders as enshrined in the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and it is one of the cardinal objective of the present government to maintain an open and transparent government.

For the exigencies of office and public service, His Excellency the Executive Governor Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (MON, mni) is proceeding on a 10 days leave starting from tomorrow Tuesday, the 29th December, 2015 as part of his 2015 Thirty (30) days annual leave.

His Excellency wishes all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2016.


Gwamnatin Jihar Jigawa mai ci a yanzu karkashin jagorancin Maigirma Gwamna Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (MON, mni) gwamnati ce mai biyayya ga dokar kasa da tsarin shugabancin al'uma kamar yadda yake tanade a kundin tsarin mulki na Kasa na Shekarar 1999. Kuma yana daga cikin tsarin wannan gwamnati na aiwatar da budaddiyar gwamnati wanda al'umar Jihar Jigawa ke da hakkin sanin yadda ake tafiyar da gwamnatin.

Kasancewar rai dangin goro ne, saboda nauyin al'uma da yake kansa, da bukatar samun nutsuwa, Maigirma Gwamna ya shirya tafiyar kwanaki goma (10) daga cikin Kwanakin hutunsa na Kwanaki Talatin (30) na Shekarar 2015. Hutun zai fara ne daga gobe Talata 29/12/2015.

Maigirma Gwamna yana taya daukacin jama'a murnar Sabuwar Shekarar 2016. Da fatan za a yi bukukuwan Sabuwar Shekarar lafiya.

Auwal D. Sankara,
Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa State on New Media
(Mataimaki na Musamman ga Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa a Sabbin Kafafen Sadarwa)

Solvetor Solvetor
Vice Chairman
Tsinkaya Social Network

Wednesday, 16 December 2015


Today being the 4th Rabi'ul Auwal 1437AH equivalent to 15th December, 2015, the Jigawa State Executive Council met and resolved as follows: -
The State Executive Council has noted with dismay the colossal sum of public funds expended through the Gunduma Health System over the last eight years amounting to over N40Billion. It is also critically observed that the present arrangement of health service delivery to our teeming population who predominantly leave in the rural areas could best be reached through a well functioning Primary Healthcare Service Delivery System.

The Gunduma Health System has unfortunately not efficiently measured to this expectation. The State Executive Council therefore at this point considered and approved the repelling of the law that established the Gunduma Health System and be replaced with a new law for the establishment of the Primary Healthcare Board or agency as the case may be. It must be categorically stated at this juncture that the Gunduma Health System is not in line with the National Health Act, National Health Policy and Guidelines. The establishment of the Primary Healthcare Board will be in tandem with the 53rd National Council on Health Resolution which directed States to establish the said Board so as to reach about 90% of our rural population.

The Ministry of Health is directed to collaborate  with the Ministry of Justice to come up with a draft law establishing the Primary Healthcare Board or agency that will be in tune with the principle of Primary Healthcare under one roof.
Majalisar Zartaswa na Jihar Jigawa bayan ta gama zamanta na yau Talata 04/Rabi'ul Auwal/1437AH wanda yayi daidai da 15/12/2015 ta amince da abubuwa kamar haka:
Majalisar Zartaswa ta lura cikin rashin jin dadi makudan Kudaden da aka yi amfani da su masu yawan gaske wajen harkar lafiya musamman a bangaren Hukumar Lafiya ta Gunduma Health System wanda a cikin shekaru takwas daga kafata (2007-2011), wanda Kudaden sun kai fiye da Naira Miliyan Dubu Arba'in, kuma ta lura da cewa wannan tsari da aka bi na aiwatar da Gunduma Health kwalliya bata biya kudin sabulu ba, idan aka yi la'akari da yadda Asibitocin mu suke, da kuma yadda ake ta samun majinyata babu magani da abubuwa da dama a Harkokin kiwon lafiya wanda Majalisar Zartaswa ta amince da cewar Gunduma Health System bai dace da wannan tsari ba kuma ya kamata a samu gyara a wannan tsari. Saboda haka ne Majalisar Zartaswa ta amince da soke dokar da ta kafa Gunduma Health System inda za a maye gurbinta da Hukumar Lafiya a Matakin Farko (Primary Healthcare Development Board ko Agency), inda Majalisar ta umurci Ma'aikatar Lafiya da hadin gwiwar Ma'aikatar Shari'a su zauna su tsara yadda ya kamata ayi wajen fitar da wannan Sabuwar doka ta kafa Hukumar Samar da Lafiya a Matakin Farko.

Auwal D. Sankara, Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Jigawa State On New Media (Mataimaki na Musamman ga Maigirma Gwamnan Jihar Jigawa A Sabbin Kafafen Sadarwa) 15/12/2015